微軟Press教學系列 微軟 Office Access 2003 Inside Track 英文教學光碟正式版
微軟Press教學系列 微軟 Office Access 2003 Inside Track 英文教學光碟正式版
這是一個熟悉 Microsoft Access,並可讓資料庫確實運作的好途徑!本書經過
高度整合,內容包含所有 Access 2003 裏的工具、任務和強化,可快速提升您
單,製作報表和應用程式,在 Web 上發布資料,執行安全防護性能,以及其它
Get software training your way! Now you can
advance your expertise with Access 2003 at your
own pace and as far as you want to go with this
in-depth, learn-by-doing tutorial. This practical
guide is designed so you can choose exactly how
you want to learn: use the book's learning roadmap
to plot your course; select relevant lessons;
get hands-on experience with practice-and-solution
files; assess your progress against learning
checkpoints; and apply your new skills to
real-world scenarios. Topics include database
design, creating forms, importing and exporting
data, using XML, data analysis techniques,
creating sophisticated reports, publishing data
on the Web, data-access security strategies,
programming Access, performance tuning, database
maintenance, and more. You'll also gain knowledge
and insights from real people who use Access
every day, as well as from experts who bring fresh
ideas to common challenges. The book provides a
resource guide for Access, including how to
connect with the Access community and ways to
extend your learning even further.