Lynda com Illustrator CS6 One on One Fundamentals (Illustrator CS6 一對一基礎教學) 英文正式版(DVD一片裝)
本教學是由Lynda機構出品的Illustrator CS6 一對一基礎教學,時長:9小時19分,教
程使用軟體:Illustrator CS6 ,大小:1.52 GB ,MOV視頻格式,附工程原始檔案,
作者:Deke McClelland,官方發佈時間:2012年6月1日,語言:英語。
Adobe Illustrator是出版、多媒體和線上圖像的工業標準向量插畫軟體。無論是生產印
的製作者,都會發現Illustrator 不僅僅是一個藝術產品工具。該軟體為您的線稿提供
This course is the first in a four-part series by industry-pro Deke McClelland
on creating elegant, optimized graphics with the tools in Adobe Illustrator
CS6 and Deke's special, branded techniques.
This installment covers subjects such as working with shapes and closed paths,
including painting, grouping, and coloring, and placing and adjusting type.
Deke shows you how to select fonts, create hanging indents, and tweak the
kerning and leading of your text. Additional chapters cover drawing and editing
paths (and their points) and moving and transforming objects in your artwork.
Topics include:
Rotating and duplicating objects
Grouping and stacking
Erasing and painting selected paths
Using the Shape Builder tool
Reflecting across an angled axis
Simulating beveled edges
Creating a network of interlocking paths
Placing and flowing text
Creating page margins
Adjusting type size
Creating and applying paragraph styles
Using the Glyphs panel
Inserting and removing anchor points