AutoDesk AutoCAD Overlay 2002 英文光碟正式版
破解說明:400-12345678 CD-KEY : T4ED6P
AutoDesk AutoCAD Overlay 2002 英文光碟正式版
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Autodesk公司:光柵影像(Raster Image)編輯軟體。
作為在 AutoCAD環境下執行的最暢銷的光柵影像編輯軟體,CAD Overlay 2002 使
得在 CAD 項目中應用光柵影像文件變得更加簡便易行。最新版本軟體中的關鍵功
能包括:在AutoCAD 2002環境下執行、更好的影像管理與編輯能力、光柵實體操作
像的向量化操作,對於測繪和 GIS 領欄位,則可以利用它更好地完成光柵影像與
Whatever your profession, you’ll be able to use scanned images—such as
paper drawings, aerial photographs, maps, and even satellite images—to
leverage your existing design data. With AutodeskR CAD Overlay 2002, you
can reduce time to market, minimize production costs with faster drawing
revisions and better accuracy during the conversion process, and use
raster images to communicate design intent securely over the Internet.
Architecture and Building Design
Architects and builders can use Autodesk CAD Overlay 2002 to leverage
investment in paper-based drawings by integrating existing drawings and
imagery with new architectural designs and renovations.
Communications, Utilities, and Government
By combining Autodesk CAD Overlay 2002 with AutoCAD Map 2002, you have
a powerful imaging solution.
Land Development
With new raster functionality exclusively for AutoCAD Land Development
Desktop software, Autodesk CAD Overlay 2002 is an indispensable application
for your complete imaging solution.
Manufacturing and Mechanical Design
Using Autodesk CAD Overlay 2002 software with AutoCAD Mechanical or
Mechanical Desktop software, you can leverage your investment in paper-
based drawings, reduce your time to market, and minimize production costs.