Accent OFFICE Password Recovery v2.60英文正式版(Office文檔密碼恢復工具)
Accent OFFICE Password Recovery v2.60英文正式版(Office文檔密碼恢復工具)
一款功能強大的Office文檔密碼恢復工具,支援Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel和
Microsoft Word 6.0/95/97/2000/XP/2003文檔密碼的恢復。
Accent OFFICE Password Recovery is an ll-in-one?tool that helps you recover lost or
forgotten passwords to your documents created in Microsoft Office applications:
Access, Excel, and Word. Some types of password can be instantly restored. For other
passwords there are three attack types including a brute force attack with a mask and
advanced options while attacking using a dictionary. Start recovering passwords
immediately with the easy-to-use graphical interface which includes context help,
Task Creation Wizard and a step-by-step tutorial.
Accent OFFICE Password Recovery features an advanced visual mechanism for specifying
a mask: you can specify the range of possible values individually for each position
in the password that will be generated. The program also has advanced features for
a dictionary-based attack. It is a dictionary manager that allows you to search several
dictionaries one by one for the password. It is transforming passwords from the
dictionary and adding digits to them.