260dB Reason Refill Pack MF 英文光碟正式版
破解說明:Copy refill pack to same dir as reason install.
260dB Reason Refill Pack MF 英文光碟正式版
Following the enormous popularity of our 160dB ReFill we've decided to do
the same treatment of our audio sequel to it - 260dB - too. Once again Dan
Powell has worked his magic and delivers you a ReFill which will no doubt
follow the 160dB ReFill into D&B folklore!
The original sample CD has been recompiled to work nicely within
Propllerheads' "Reason" software. The result is a single file called a "
ReFill" which includes samples, rex files, synth patches, and "Song Starter"
files which provide a complete setup to get you started quickly. If you put
this ReFill in your Reason "Sound Locations" folder, then all these sounds
will be available to you all the time.
The ReFill file is divided into several sub-sections, containing data for
the various instruments in Reason.
For Dr.Rex
All the breakbeats are available as Rex files for the Dr.Rex player in Reason.
There are over 100 breaks here, divided into two categories: Live Breaks and
Programmed Breaks.
There are also Gated FX loops and Upright Bass loops which are in Rex format
for Dr.Rex, as well as the Sax Riffs and Rhodes Riffs.
Important Note : Please be warned that the Sax and Rhodes samples were taken
from very "free style" performances, so many of the REX files don't sync to
a loop in an obvious way. Some of them are uneven bar lengths ( ie. 6 beats
etc. ), some are just single notes (with a single slice). They're all included
as Rex files for completeness, and also because there are other advantages
to the Dr.Rex player: you can process the slices from these Rex files in
interesting ways, play the slices from a keyboard, pre-listen in context
from the disk, etc. If you want to work the original non-Rex data for these
samples, it's all available for the NN19 Sampler insrument as well.
The Gated FX and the Upright Bass Rex files, on the other hand, are tight,
bar-length loops. Although we've also included this data as NN19 Sampler
Patches as well, in case you prefer to work that way.
For the NN19 Sampler
All the samples from the original CD are now mapped out for the NN19
sampler. Many of these have been sustain looped to function as playable
"instruments" (ie. Music FX and Bass patches in particular benefit from
the "sustain loop".)
There are over 100 NN19 patches here, but many more samples. Each NN19
patch can contain a complete multi-sample setup. So, for example, there
are 64 "Analog FX" waves, but these are mapped into 11 NN19 patches
containing several Analog FX waves each. Each one has a small range so you
can try different pitches easily. (There is also a patch called "Analog FX
All" which contains all 64 waves in one patch, but you need a large amount
of memory to load this patch.)
All NN19 multi-samples are within a 61 note keyboard range. (C1 to C6).
The following types of patches are available for the NN19:
- Analog FX
- Atmospheres (these are stereo and very big, so not multi-sampled)
- Miscellaneous FX
- Music FX
- Basses
- Rhodes Riffs (the same data as for Dr.Rex, but mapped as multi-samples)
- Sax Riffs (the same data as for Dr.Rex, but mapped as multi-samples)
- Upright Bass Licks (the same data as for Dr.Rex, but mapped as
- Gated FX (the same data as for Dr.Rex, but mapped out as multi-samples)
If you want to recombine samples, make your own sets, etc., they are all
stored in the folder called "Samples AIF" within the ReFill file. So long
as you keep the AMG ReFill file in Reasons "Sound Locations" folder, you
can edit, save and re-use your own instruments using AMG's samples.
For the Subtractor "Analog" Synth
The Subtractor is a great little virtual analog machine, so we've added 40
patches for this instrument. All patches are stored in the folder called
"Subtractor Patches".
For the Redrum Drum Machine
Since DnB is not only breakbeats, we've collected a large number of single
drum hits together. There are 10 Redrum kits all ready for you in the
Redrum Kits folder. The last few are experimental kits, which often work
great together with the Randomize function in Redrum ... here we aren't
using drum sounds, but pitched samples from instruments. If you randomize
the pattern, you can come up with some interested sonic textures or even
Similarly to the NN19 Sampler patches, the Redrum Kits point to samples in
the "Other Samples" folder, so you can change these kits if you like, step
through different drums while running, and then save your own kits if you
like. It's worth experimenting with this because there are a lot of drum
hits available here... many more than contained within the Redrum Kits.
Song Starters
Finally we provide 5 Song files, in a folder called "Song Starters". These
are not demos or full songs, but simply collections of sounds that we think
go together. Basically, they provide a quick way of getting a setup that's
ready to go, and perhaps will spark an idea for a song.
Finally, don't forget that you can combine the samples from this collection
with your own stuff, as well as with the factory sounds from Propellerheads.